A fun weekend camp out again with motorcycle buddies at The Backyard Camp [TBC], Sathanuru. Last time round, the MTM MotoCamp at Madikeri had us learn how to camp and cook our own food. Now was to test us on just that. We were to bring our own gear and cook our own food besides some campfire, sharing stories and relaxation.
Being Homeless
The MotoCamp Outhere was put forth in the ides of August and decided upon for the 1-2 September 2018. All things were going smoothly while least expecting the fact that I would be rendered homeless by the end of the month and just before this camp.
Way back in January 2018, had posted my place of stay (2 bhk apartment) up for rent. Nothing. Got bored being jobless and so in March joined Decathlon and still nothing. No sooner than I gave my name in for this camp, I got a positive response for my apartment. Quit work and got back home to start packing...well... just about everything. By the end of month, moved out from my apartment. Officially homeless!
At The Backyard Camp
Day 01 : Sat, 01 Sep 2018
Started out from Bengaluru at 10am and reached the venue by about 1:30pm. The MTM organisers had already come in the previous day and set up base camp. Some had come in early while some where yet to come. I set up my new Decathlon Quechua ARPENAZ 2+ tent (thank you Aditya for your advice on it) under the shade of one of the many trees in the farm. From past MTM events we had Santosh (I Don't Trash My Travel), Sean (Big Bad Bikes), Huda (HudaBar) on her Hero Impulse, Abhijith (Escher's Knot) on his RE Himalayan, Mario on his Hero Impulse and Kuttappa. Familiar faces from the XBHP group – Saqib on his Yamaha R3 and Maulik on his TVS RTR. We had some new people join in this time.
This MotoCamp was about bringing your own gear and cooking your own food. The latter part I wasn’t prepared well enough for and so had to make do alternate arrangements for this trip. Keeping in mind that I do not bring along/use instant noodles (likes of Maggi), cakes, biscuits, etc. Below is a list of what I brought along for this trip. Hope this helps those who need to quickly pack up food for a 1-3 day trip, keeping in mind the fact that there are good possibilities to pick up local produce or naturally available food such as bananas, coconut water etc.
- Lemon rice a.k.a Chitranna (in Kannada) in air-tight container.
- 4 chapathis in zip-lock bag. Tomato chutney in air-tight container.
- Loaf of bread, bottle of peanut butter, butter knife.
- Small tetra-pack of milk (GoodLife), choco cornflakes, spoon.
- 4 boiled eggs (with outer shell not removed/still intact) in zip-lock pouch.
- Sliced carrots in zip-lock pouch and small box of peri-peri seasoning.
Some were onto preparing their own lunch. Had the lunch I had packed for myself along with two others near our tents. Post lunch, most were just sitting about chatting. While I just got into my tent and slept for a few hours until evening. By sunset, most of us were at the large open shelter area and chatting away till dinner time. Santosh from MTM got busy preparing the barbecue grills to cook chicken and vegetarian starters. We then had our respective dinners, chatted for a while and retired for the night into our respective tents.
At The Backyard Camp
Day 02 : Sun, 02 Sep 2018
It was a quiet, bright good morning. Freshened up and walked upto the lake. Got back and joined all in having our own breakfast. Most of those present decided to do a trail ride upto a hill top that was 20 km away from camp site. Some of us chose not to and stayed back and simply spent time talking over various topics on travel.
When all those who had been on the trail ride got back, we started to pack up. Had a quick lunch. Some started back early. Four of us decided to leave together back to Bengaluru. As we neared Kanakapura, it started to rain, so we put on our rain gear and continued on till we reached Bengaluru by about 8pm.
Besides the part of BYOT and fun in camping out, is the meeting with like minding people who love travelling on motorcycles. By the end of it all, we take back with us something new learnt every time, some good memories of the camp site and the satisfaction of having made new friends.
The Backyard Camp
This campsite located in a quaint little town in Sathnur (80km from Bengaluru) is on a farmland with its backyard open to a lake a few acres away. The hosts welcome nature & outdoor enthusiasts. One can opt to bring your own tent and cook your own food. You can bring your four-legged companions too. A place for self time and space. It’s like a homestay, so DO NOT expect/demand hotel/resort like service here. If it’s loud music and party that your looking for…this is NOT the place for you.
Website: https://thebackyardcamp.com
I Don’t Trash My Travel
An initiative to educate, impart and be mindful of our impact on the beautiful places we travel to, make it a part of our conversations – to not trash our travel. A commitment to ourselves to the Earth we call home. Our footprint affects the balance. Our awareness reduces damage.
Website: http://www.idonttrashmytravel.com