A day and half ride through an enchanting route in Waynad district of kerala. Evening ride to Banasura Sagara Dam. At Kuruvadweep, a raft ride to get across and wade through the shallow waters in the island.
Mananthavady – Tirunally – Banasura Dam – Kuruvadweep. A day and half ride through an enchanting route in Wayanad district of Kerala.
Day 01 : Manadavady, Tirunally, Banasura Sagara Dam
Sat, 22 Feb 2014
Ride north from Manadavady for about 10km to reach Kutrikulam and further 18km to reach a fork in the road, take the left and ride another 31km to reach Tirunally. Visit a very old temple there and half hour later ride back the same route back to reach Manadavady by 1:45pm for lunch. Ride distance 62km.
Post lunch, start to ride south (opposite direction from the morning ride) towards 4th Mile on the Calicut road, take right and ride 10km to reach Taruvana. Take left here to ride 18km towards Padiharathira. Another 20km to reach Banasura Sagara Dam by 5pm. Seven riders decide to ride back and after half hour of quick sightseeing and taking snaps, we start to ride back the same route to reach Manadavady by 7pm. Ride distance 40km.
Day 02 : Manadavady, Kuruvadweep, Sultan Bathery
Sun, 23 Feb 2014
Ride 8km to reach Payampalli and further 8km to take a left towards Kuruvadweep. A 3km ride through serene picturesque narrow road with tall shady trees all around to reach Kuruvadweep. Here we take get onto a big raft made of bamboo to reach the island. A short walk along the river to reach the shallow opening with clear river water flowing by that is very inviting for a quick dip or to just sit on a rock with the feet in the water.
Having spent almost an hour, some of us walked back to where the bikes were kept and rode further. Sun was up and was quite hot and on spotting an ice cream vendor there, had to have an ice-cream. Started to ride back towards Pulpally. A rather eased ride with a few small light inclines while riding on clear narrow roads through the small towns. Soon, at a petrol station, we had to stop the ride towards the end point of Sultan Bathery, as it would get late for lunch. Rather disappointed for not having to ride much today. Ride distance 30km.