Riding up the Nandi hill is in just about every cyclist's must-do list and practice ground for serious cycling. This was a road bike race and I showed up on an MTB.
Riding up the Nandi hill is in just about every avid cyclist’s agenda of rides to do in Bangalore. Since the time month I got my metal stead – Rockrider 5.3 in February 2011, it’s been on my mind but didn’t feel quite confident and possibly the absence of a co-rider to go along with, considering the need to keep aside half a day just to ride up the hill. Built up stamina to do longer rides of 40-50 kms over the weekends and about 130 kms in one and half days over a weekend once a month. Now needed an opportunity to just do it.
Earlier in July, a colleague had suggested me to take part in a downhill race held at Turahalli, that was organized by Bangalore Bicycle Championships. Didn’t quite have the nerve for it then, so this time around registered for the 40km road race, a Nandi hill climb (BBCh 9) to be held on 16 Oct’2011. Night before the race, got my gear ready and tried to figure out the start point marked ‘siva road’ on the map sent via email. As per the schedule, the race was to start at 7:30 am.
Budigere – Nandi hill top – Budigere
Sun, 16 Oct 2011
Up by 5:30 wondering if I should be even taking part in this race, and that too a road race that will likely have pro riders on race bikes. Said to myself, “What the heck! Have to complete a ride up Nandi hill, so let this be a reason to do it.” Drove past K.R. Puram and asking for directions to ‘Siva road’, managed to reach the start point by 7:30 am.
As soon as the ‘Go’ was announced, the pros on race bikes started and no sooner than a few meters, they were out of sight leaving behind a few handful of riders on mtbs pedaling along trying to catch up with the riders in front. The ambulance too had gone ahead, only to realize I was the last rider. ‘Serves me right for taking part in a road race on a mtb’, I said to myself, as I pedaled along hoping to catch a glimpse of another rider in front. Cycled for about 25 odd kms alone steadily to save up energy for the climb up hill. On reaching the Devanahalli road junction, I spotted a female rider on a road bike and eventually as I past her, thought to myself ‘Well, at least not the last rider’. Soon spotted another rider on a hybrid and caught up to him, cycled along till we reached the base of the hill. Picked up a bottle of chilled water and continued on. A while later he continued on while I pedaled alone admiring the view.
As I rode on further, past a few more riders on MTB who were walking along with their bikes. About half way up the hill, the pros who had sped way ahead were riding back down. Rode further till I was 3kms to the top. Stopped to rest and gulped down half a bottle of water. Continued to ride on passing by school kids from Kendriya Vidyalaya, who were walking their way up to the hilltop. At the last second curve, muscle catches on both thighs forced me to stop. By then two riders pushing their bikes caught up. Rode up that final curve to reach the top. A sense of relief and happiness as I rode past the arched entrance at the top and further on up to where other riders who had already reached earlier on.
Distance one way: 40 km
Nandi hill climb: 8 km
Hydrated some more with tender coconut water, took a few snaps, a little stretching of legs and started to ride back. It was fun riding downhill. Stopped a few times along the way to take snaps. At the base of the hill, stopped to have a quick breakfast/lunch. A film shooting was taking place at the road junction. Onlookers had gathered to watch what was going on. One rider got to take a picture with the pretty female actor, from whom I gathered that she was Priyamani.
Continued to ride back towards the start point eventually to realize I was riding alone…again. After riding about 30kms alone in the hot midday, reached the start point where I spotted my car that was the only vehicle there parked by the side of the road. Checked the cyclometer and it read 40km. That’s a total distance of 80kms covered in about 5 hours. Put the cycle and gear into the car, drove back home with a sore backside, aching legs and a smile on my face!